About Us

SciMathMN is a non-profit business, education partnership promoting quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Minnesota's K-16 educational systems. SciMathMN partnered with the Minnesota Department of Education to develop Frameworks for the delivery of Minnesota's mathematics and science standards, as well as the MN STEM Resource Teacher Center.

SciMathMN first developed Frameworks for the Profile of Learning (the first set of Minnesota state standards) in 1997 and 1998. Following the publishing of those documents, SciMathMN offered numerous staff development sessions to disseminate the resourses and train teachers in the delivery of standards. However, Minnesota's standards have been revised twice since the Profile of Learning, and that prompted SciMathMN to seek funding to create new Frameworks.

Since 2005, SciMathMN has focused its efforts on policy issues related to K-12 STEM education. In 2007 Minnesota participated in the international TIMSS testing for math and science and SciMathMN performed extensive analysis of those results (with Michigan State University as a partner). The reports documenting Minnesota's success can be found on the SciMathMN website (www.scimathmn.org) and we believe that these current Frameworks will continue to move us in a direction that will keep Minnesota's students and businesses internationally competitive.

SciMathMN found a willing partner in the Minnesota Department of Education and received the grant funding to produce the current (2011) version of Mathematics and Science Frameworks. The Minnesota Department of Education provided much guidance and assistance in development both of the Frameworks and also the design of this website.